I'm sorry for my bad english. For a project, I am sending and reading data by adding Crc-16(Modbus) codes to the end of the hex codes. My problem is that it detects hex codes as ASCII. I want that hex codes actually hex.
For example: This is my hex code --> FE0300010000
This is with Crc-16(Modbus) --> FE03000100000E39 (added 0E39)
But Crc-16 must be "0500" not "0E39". This is happening because python thinks it's ASCII but i need to make it real hex.
I tried convert to bytes and hex again but didn't work also tried binascii.hexlify didn't work as well...
Here answer that i found if anyone need it
def crc16_modbus(data: bytes) -> int:
poly = 0xA001
crc = 0xFFFF
for b in data:
crc ^= b
for i in range(8):
if crc & 0x0001:
crc = (crc >> 1) ^ poly
crc >>= 1
return crc