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Cascading dropdown inside table in blazor

When changing a row's dropdown, other row's dropdowns are changing too. How to solve this? is it possible to create dynamic methods in each td?

enter image description here

    <EditForm Model="@model2">
        <table class="table mt-4">
                    <th>Jump Page</th>
                    <th>Jump Heading</th>
                @foreach (var item in HeadingList)

                            <InputSelect ValueExpression="@(() => model2.CountryID)"
                                 ValueChanged="@((int? args) =>
                                                    model2.CountryID = args;
                                <option value="">Select Page...</option>
                                @foreach (var item in PageModel)
                                    <option value="@item.PageNo">@item.PageNo</option>
                            <InputSelect ValueExpression="@(() => model2.CityID)"
                                <option value="">Select Page...</option>
                                @foreach (var item in HeadingList2)
                                    <option value="@item.Text">@item.Text</option>

                            <a href="#" class="view-icon">
                                <img src="/img/magnifying-glass-svgrepo-com.svg" alt="view" />


        @*<button class="btn btn-dark mb-4 float-end" @onclick="@(e => UpdateButtonClick())">Update</button>*@


I tried to load data in HeadingList2 whenever the list is refreshing, dropdowns texts are changing too.


  • It's beacause you've binded controls of every row to the same object (model2).

    You probably need to create list of model2 type objects and assign them to elements of HeadingList.