I am using a mongoose model that brings documents and I add an aggregate to "join" with other collection. The real problem is when I use aggregate I cannot filter documents in the "original" collection (similar to findOne()). So when I use the aggregate function I get all documents but I just need 1.
i.e. (this is only an example for a point describe)
Collection A = {id,name,birthdate,dni}
Collection B = {avatar,dni.....}
a.aggregate([ '$lookup': {
'from': 'avatars',
'localField': 'dni',
'foreignField': 'dni',
'as': 'aditionalinfo'
} ])
this result in a full collection A + additionalinfo object from B for each document but supposed to bring one person from collection A with the additional data (additionalinfo). I mean, I need to bring one document "joined" with the corresponding document from the other collection.
here is the last code I tried
let ley = await leyes.aggregate([
'$lookup': {
'from': 'digessituacion',
'localField': 'idsituacio',
'foreignField': 'idsituacio',
'as': 'situacion'
}, {
'$lookup': {
'from': 'digescategoria',
'localField': 'catego',
'foreignField': 'catego',
'as': 'categoria'
'$match': {
'ley': 8996 // this is the number which I need to set variable cause is passed from params
this is the schema
import { Schema, model } from "mongoose";
const leyesSchema = new Schema(
ley: Number,
resumen: String,
notas: String,
txtley: String,
catego: String,
detcatego: String,
idsituacio: Number,
promulgada: Date,
sancionada: Date,
{ timestamps: false, versionKey: false }
export default model("leyes", leyesSchema);
and the Schema of collection needed to "join"
import { Schema, model } from "mongoose";
const digessituacionSchema = new Schema(
idsituacio: Number,
situacion: String,
{ timestamps: false, versionKey: false }
export default model("digessituacion", digessituacionSchema);
if I put the number manually works but is not usable cause it must be a variable. Anyone knows the way for do this? It is possible?
When the req.params
is parsed, they are always parsed as type string
. Since your ley
field is of type number
, you have to parse it first:
"$match": {
"ley": parseInt(req.params.ley, 10)