Once upon a time, I could hover over any variable while debugging and stopped at a break-point, and would be able to get that variable's properties and values. I recently discovered this functionality is called a DataTip.
About a month ago, I lost this ability. Now, when I hover over a variable, nothing happens. I never knew how much I loved this feature until I lost it.
Can anyone tell me how I can re-enable DataTips?
I've been through the Debug menus but nothing jumps out at me and yells "HERE. This is what you are looking for!" The internets haven't been fruitful either.
As a side note, the only change that I can remember that occurred around the time that I lost DataTips was connecting to our newly set up TFS for the first time. I don't see how this would affect the DataTips, but stranger things have happened.
I figured it out! Turns out there was one other change I had recently made to VS that was responsible.
Not long ago, co-worker had sent me a link about Debugger Canvas. I thought it looked pretty cool so I gave it a shot. After a while I decided it was not for me but left it sitting around in case I found I had a use for it. Naturally, I completely forgot I had it installed to VS.
Long story short, I stumbled onto a forum post titled Debugger Canvas broke my Data Tips. Thinking, "why not?", I uninstalled Debugger Canvas via Tools > Extension Manager and viola! My DataTips are back.
This isn't quite a fix if you are actively using Debugger Canvas (until they, themselves fix the issue), but it is certainly a fix for me.