There is a table, has 10 million records, and it has a column which type is array
, it looks like:
id | content | contained_special_ids
1 | abc | { 1, 2 }
2 | abd | { 1, 3 }
3 | abe | { 1, 4 }
4 | abf | { 3 }
5 | abg | { 2 }
6 | abh | { 3 }
and I want to know that how many records there is which contained_special_ids includes 3
, so my sql is:
select count(*) from my_table where contained_special_ids @> array[3]
It works fine when data is small, however it takes long time (about 30+ seconds) when the table has 10 million records.
I have added index to this column:
"index_my_table_on_contained_special_ids" gin (contained_special_ids)
So, how to optimize this select count
Thanks a lot!
below is the explain
Finalize Aggregate (cost=1049019.17..1049019.18 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=44343.230..44362.224 rows=1 loops=1)
Output: count(*)
-> Gather (cost=1049018.95..1049019.16 rows=2 width=8) (actual time=44340.332..44362.217 rows=3 loops=1)
Output: (PARTIAL count(*))
Workers Planned: 2
Workers Launched: 2
-> Partial Aggregate (cost=1048018.95..1048018.96 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=44337.615..44337.615 rows=1 loops=3)
Output: PARTIAL count(*)
Worker 0: actual time=44336.442..44336.442 rows=1 loops=1
Worker 1: actual time=44336.564..44336.564 rows=1 loops=1
-> Parallel Bitmap Heap Scan on public.my_table (cost=9116.31..1046912.22 rows=442694 width=0) (actual time=330.602..44304.221 rows=391431 loops=3)
Recheck Cond: (my_table.contained_special_ids @> '{12511}'::bigint[])
Rows Removed by Index Recheck: 501077
Heap Blocks: exact=67496 lossy=109789
Worker 0: actual time=329.547..44301.513 rows=409272 loops=1
Worker 1: actual time=329.794..44304.582 rows=378538 loops=1
-> Bitmap Index Scan on index_my_table_on_contained_special_ids (cost=0.00..8850.69 rows=1062465 width=0) (actual time=278.413..278.414 rows=1176563 loops=1)
Index Cond: (my_table.contained_special_ids @> '{12511}'::bigint[])
Planning Time: 1.041 ms
Execution Time: 44362.262 ms
Increase work_mem until the lossy blocks go away. Also, make sure the table is well vacuumed to support index-only bitmap scans, and that you are using a new enough version (which you should tell us) to support those. Finally, you can try increasing effective_io_concurrency.
Also, post plans as text, not images; and turn on track_io_timing.