I am unable to login my office 365 account on my virtual machine. This my logs when I run dsregcmd /status on cmd.
I tried to edit the VM using this command, still not working. enablecredsspsupport:i:0 authentication level:i:2
Also, I added Role assignment: Virtual Machine Administrator Login and Virtual Machine User Login
And I have this on my extension: AADLoginForWindows
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the results like below:
While creating virtual machine in management Make sure to check login with Azure Ad like below:
In your virtual machine check whether extension is added:
Try to assign role assignment Virtual Machine User Login
Virtual Machine Administrator Login
to user
Now, Download Rdp file and login. When I tried to check with dsregcmd /status
Azure AD joined successfully:
To Login with Azure Ad credentials account try to change Network Level Authentication access in RDP to avoid an error:
In RDP -> search box type allows remote connection to this computer -> uncheck the box like below:
Now edit your RDP downloaded file, try to include
authentication level:i:2
username:s:xxxxx.onmicrosoft.com (Add your username here)
When I try to connect with login AzureAd\UPN
with user it connected successfully like below: