I'm using MS SQL Server 2019
I have a string in a table (tblJobCosts) that has its own ID like this:
TextID jobText
1 Total Cost for job is £[]. This includes VAT
How do I update the value stored in the brackets based on the value from another table?
The end result would look like this:
Total Cost for job is £500. This includes VAT
I thought I could incorporate a SELECT with a REPLACE but this does not seem possible:
DECLARE @JobNum INT = 123;
UPDATE dbo.JobCosts
SET jobText = REPLACE (jobText,'[]',
FROM dbo.JobHead AS JH
WHERE (JH.JobNo = @JobNum)
) AND TextID = 1
If I run the above I receive the error:
Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'SELECT'.
Is it possible to incorporate a SELECT with a REPLACE?
I think that you cannot call a select statement in the replace function. I would try something like that:
UPDATE dbo.JobCosts
SET jobText = REPLACE (jobText,'[]',k.the_cost) from
( SELECT JH.jobCost as the_cost
FROM dbo.JobHead AS JH
WHERE (JH.JobNo = @JobNum)
where TextID = 1