I have the following collection and I want to query based on Class
and FullName
from Students.
"id" : "ABCD",
"Class" : "Math",
"Students" : [
"FullName" : "Dan Smith",
"FullName" : "Dave Jackson",
The following filter works based on class.
var filter = builder.Eq(x => x.Class, "Math");
var document = collection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefaultAsync();
But I want to query based on student also, I tried to add another filter and it has the error:
Cannot implicitly convert type string to bool
filter &= builder.Eq(x => x.Students.Any(y => y.FullName,"Dan"));
As you want to query with the nested document in an array, you need $elemMatch
operator. In MongoDB .NET Driver syntax, you can achieve with either of these ways:
Solution 1: ElemMatch with LINQ Expression
filter &= builder.ElemMatch(x => x.Students, y => y.FullName == "Dan");
Solution 2: ElemMatch with FilterDefinition
filter &= builder.ElemMatch(x => x.Students,
Builders<Student>.Filter.Eq(y => y.FullName, "Dan"));
The above methods will return no document as the filter criteria don't match with the attached document.
If you look for matching the partial word, you need to work with $regex
Solution: With regex match
filter &= builder.ElemMatch(x => x.Students,
Builders<Student>.Filter.Regex(y => y.FullName, "Dan"));