I have written a script to compare all files in a folder that read prefix (first 7 characters) and suffix YYYYMMDD (last 8 characters) and delete a file that have less value in suffix so I have only latest file in that folder.
I need to run this script every 28 days so I can drop new files in the folder and delete the file(s) that have less value in suffix (grouped by prefix). The script is not throwing any error but it's not deleting the old file either.
I have attempted to write a script as below to read the prefix and suffix of each file and group by prefix and sort by suffix, skip one file and delete the old one. The file name format is as below
The file name examples are as below
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
Set-StrictMode -Version 3
$List = get-childitem *.xlsx
ForEach($File In $List)
$IDENT = $File = {$_.BaseName.SubString(0,7)}
$AIRAC = $File = {$_.BaseName.SubString(14,7)}
Group-Object $IDENT
sort $AIRAC -Descending
Select -Skip 1
Remove-Item $File -ErrorAction Stop
I believe you're looking for something like this, see the inline comments. Note the use of -WhatIf
, if you consider the code is doing what you expected you can remove it to actually delete the files.
# get all .xlsx files
Get-ChildItem -Filter *.xlsx |
# Group the files by their Prefix
Group-Object { $_.BaseName.Substring(0, 7) } |
# for each group of files
ForEach-Object {
# sort them by their suffix in Descending order (newest goes first)
$_.Group | Sort-Object { $_.BaseName.SubString(14, 7) } -Descending |
# skip the first file (the newest one) and output the rest
Select-Object -Skip 1
# all output gets removed
} | Remove-Item -WhatIf