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How do I identify class properties that are public with an enum return type?

I have automatically generated service references and I need to analyze them to identify classes with public properties that return enums. This is for an project that was originally serializing enums as int and was converted to string, so I'm trying to produce a list of enums and their int/string values.

I just copied & pasted all of the service references into a .NET console project and I'm able to enumerate the properties and I am focusing on a known enum for testing, but the output from the below code is not identifying it as an enum when it is:

[AxdEntity_PurchTable_1\Property\PurchStatus]: Nullable`1; False

How can I correctly identify it as an enum?

My Reflection Code:

var q = from t in Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetTypes()
            where t.IsClass && t.Namespace == "MyNamespace"
            && t.Name == "AxdEntity_PurchTable_1" // I plan to remove this, but focusing on one class
            select t;

foreach (var refClass in q.ToList())
    foreach (var prop in refClass.GetProperties())
        if (prop.Name == "PurchStatus")
            // How do I determine if the return type is an enum?
            Console.WriteLine($"[{refClass.Name}\\Property\\{prop.Name}]: {prop.PropertyType.Name}; {prop.PropertyType.BaseType.IsEnum}");

            // OUTPUT: [AxdEntity_PurchTable_1\Property\PurchStatus]: Nullable`1; False

            // prop.PropertyType.BaseType.IsEnum == false?

Automatically generated service reference sample code:

namespace MyNamespace
    // <... Many other generated classes in this namespace>
    public partial class AxdEntity_PurchTable_1
        private System.Nullable<AxdEnum_PurchStatus> purchStatusField;
        // <... Many other properties in this class ...>
        public System.Nullable<AxdEnum_PurchStatus> PurchStatus
                return this.purchStatusField;
                this.purchStatusField = value;
    // <... Many other enums in this namespace ...>
    public enum AxdEnum_PurchStatus


  • PurchStatus property type is not just enum, but nullable enum. Use Nullable.GetUnderlyingType (returns null if type is not nullable so coalesce with type itself):

    foreach (var refClass in q.ToList())
        foreach (var prop in refClass.GetProperties())
            var type = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(prop.PropertyType) ?? prop.PropertyType;
            if (type.IsEnum)
                // do something