I have a df ,you can have it by copy and run the following code:
import pandas as pd
from io import StringIO
df = """
b_id duration1 duration2 user
384 28 days 21:05:16.141263 0 days 00:00:44.999706 Test
df= pd.read_csv(StringIO(df.strip()), sep='\s\s+', engine='python')
My question is ,how can I convert the time duration from '28 days 21:05:16.141263' to milliseconds ?
First convert your duration 1 into timedelta
and then convert to milliseconds
df['duration1'] = pd.to_timedelta(df['duration1'])
df['dur1_milli'] = df['duration1'].astype(np.int64) / int(1e6)
outputs #
b_id duration1 duration2 user dur1_milli
0 384 28 days 21:05:16.141263 0 days 00:00:44.999706 Test 2.495116e+09
if you want to expand them expanded
Add this to the first line of your code
pd.set_option('display.float_format', lambda x: '%.3f' % x)
output #
b_id duration1 duration2 user dur1_milli
0 384 28 days 21:05:16.141263 0 days 00:00:44.999706 Test 2495116141.263