Search code examples

Copy from 1:Many WBs

    Sub CopyPasteData()
    DataDir = "C:\My Documents\Test\"
    ChDir (DataDir)
    File = Dir("*.xlsm")

    While Nextfile <> ""                                               

        For Each f MasterWB.Names("nameList").RefersToRange   
            If f = File Then                                 

                newValues = MasterWB.Sheets("Master").Range("L4:U4").Value
                Workbooks.Open (File)
                Workbooks(Nextfile).Sheets("Report1").Unprotect Password:="qwedsa"

                Workbooks(Nextfile).Sheets("Report1").Range("H10:R10") = newValues
                Workbooks(File).Protect Password:="qwedsa"

            End If

        Next fileCell

        Nextfile = Dir()


End Sub

I can't seem to iterate through the named range and appropriately copy and paste the lookup values between workbooks. I'm not sure how to make my loops work. How do I make this code to work?


  • Instead of opening every file and then checking to see if it's in your list, you can loop over the list and check to see if there's a matching file, and only then open and update it.

    Sub CopyandPasteData()
        Const PW As String = "qwedsa" 'use constants for fixed values
        Dim fldr As String, wbMaster As Workbook, wsMaster As Worksheet
        Dim c As Range, wb As Workbook
        fldr = "C:\My Documents\Test\"
        Set wbMaster = ActiveWorkbook
        Set wsMaster = wbMaster.Worksheets("Master")
        For Each c In wsMaster.Range("B9:B111").Cells
            If Len(Dir(fldr & c.Value)) > 0 Then          'file exists?
                Set wb = Workbooks.Open(fldr & c.Value)
                With wb.Sheets("Report1")
                    .Unprotect Password:=PW    'unprotect sheet and copy data
                    .Range("H10:R10").Value = wsMaster.Range("L4:U4").Value
                    .Protect Password:=PW
                End With
                wb.Close savechanges:=True
                ' ### fix the line below to reference the correct range ###
                c.Value = wbMaster.Worksheets("sheetName").Range("B4").Value
            End If
        Next c
    End Sub