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Method overloading of Higher-order function

The goal is to use method overloading to build a developer friendly SDK. The serviceType argument works fine, but the onMessage argument does not work. Is this just not supported by TypeScript? If so, is there a workaround?

type SwitchMessage = {
  propA: string;

type OutletMessage = {
  propB: string;

type ServiceType = "Switch" | "Outlet";
type ServiceMessage = SwitchMessage | OutletMessage;

class Client {
  subscribe(serviceType: "Switch", onMessage: (msg: SwitchMessage) => void);
  subscribe(serviceType: "Outlet", onMessage: (msg: OutletMessage) => void);
  subscribe(serviceType: ServiceType, onMessage: (msg: ServiceMessage) => void) {

The message from the compile:

This overload signature is not compatible with its implementation signature.


  • | works on function arguments in the opposite way you then you think


    type SwitchMessage = {
      propA: string;
    type OutletMessage = {
      propB: string;
    type ServiceType = "Switch" | "Outlet";
    type ServiceMessage = SwitchMessage | OutletMessage;
    class Client {
      subscribe(serviceType: "Switch", onMessage: (msg: SwitchMessage) => void): void;
      subscribe(serviceType: "Outlet", onMessage: (msg: OutletMessage) => void): void;
      subscribe(serviceType: ServiceType, onMessage: (msg: SwitchMessage & OutletMessage) => void) {
      subscribe2(serviceType: "Switch", onMessage: (msg: SwitchMessage) => void): void;
      subscribe2(serviceType: "Outlet", onMessage: (msg: OutletMessage) => void): void;
      subscribe2(serviceType: ServiceType, onMessage: ((msg: SwitchMessage) => void) | ((msg: OutletMessage) => void)) {