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Moving one table in a sheet into a different sheet using R

The problem I am facing is a sheet has two tables and I am trying to move one of the tables to a different sheet.

The below is the data in one excel sheet.

Gender Age
Male. 12
Female. 10

Table 2

Gender Age
Male. 22
Female. 11

I am trying to transfer table 2 to a different sheet. How can this be done using R


  • This solution works if your tables are separated with one or more empty rows in excel..

    assume the following excel-file

    enter image description here

    excel_file <- "./testfile.xlsx"
    # read the source excel file
    mydata = setDT(read_excel(excel_file, col_names = FALSE))
    # # A tibble: 7 × 2
    #   Gender  Age  
    #   <chr>   <chr>
    # 1 Male.   12   
    # 2 Female. 10   
    # 3 NA      NA   
    # 4 NA      NA   
    # 5 Gender  Age  
    # 6 Male.   22   
    # 7 Female. 11  
    # find empty rows in your excel-data
    empty_rows = which(apply(mydata, 1, function(row) all(
    # [1] 3 4
    # split the data, based on the empty rows
    L <- split(mydata, f = rleid(1:nrow(mydata) %in% empty_rows))
    # $`1`
    #       ...1 ...2
    # 1:  Gender  Age
    # 2:   Male.   12
    # 3: Female.   10
    # $`2`
    #    ...1 ...2
    # 1: <NA> <NA>
    # 2: <NA> <NA>
    # $`3`
    #       ...1 ...2
    # 1:  Gender  Age
    # 2:   Male.   22
    # 3: Female.   11
    # now you can filter your list, to get only the teables you need
    L <- L[sapply(L, function(x) !anyNA(unlist(x)))]
    # $`1`
    # ...1 ...2
    # 1:  Gender  Age
    # 2:   Male.   12
    # 3: Female.   10
    # $`3`
    # ...1 ...2
    # 1:  Gender  Age
    # 2:   Male.   22
    # 3: Female.   11
    # now use a packages like xlsx to write the tables to new worksheets of the excel file
    lapply(, function(i) {
      xlsx::write.xlsx(L[[i]], file = excel_file, sheetName = paste0("table_", i), 
                       row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, append = TRUE)

    if we open the excel file again, you'll notice two new worksheets:
    enter image description here
    enter image description here
    enter image description here