In the main file i run a Qapplication in the main thread (that starts with no problem) and a method on a separate thread , called backupGiornaliero. When I try to close the application via the X button of the user interface of the app or by a button that should close the application (associated with the method sys.exit(app.exec_())) the application freezes or simply doesn't end.
This is my main without all the imports:
def backupGiornaliero():'%Y-%m-%d')
orarioBackup = " 22:00:00"
dataOrarioBackup = str(dataOggi+orarioBackup)
datatimeBackup = datetime.strptime(dataOrarioBackup, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
if < datatimeBackup:
unixDataBackup = time.mktime(datatimeBackup.timetuple())
unixDataBackup = time.mktime(datatimeBackup.timetuple())+ float(86400)
print("unix timestamp dell'orario di backup di oggi "+str(unixDataBackup))
# Set up scheduler
s = sched.scheduler(time.time, time.sleep)
# Schedule when you want the action to occur
s.enterabs(unixDataBackup, 0, BackupModel().eseguiBackup)
# Block until the action has been run
print("fatto backup")
# Press the green button in the gutter to run the script.
if __name__ == '__main__':
x = threading.Thread(target=backupGiornaliero)
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
vistaLogin = LoginView(app)
Thanks for the help.
Actually it seems that it's sufficient to set the separate thread as a daemon so that when the main thread ends its work all the deamon threads stop as well. In my case so i solved with x.setDaemon(true)