I have this following pd.DataFrame
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3, 4], 'b': ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], 'c': [1.2, 3.4, 5.6, 7.8], 'd': [..., ..., ..., ...]})
>>> df
a b c d
0 1 a 1.2 Ellipsis
1 2 b 3.4 Ellipsis
2 3 c 5.6 Ellipsis
3 4 d 7.8 Ellipsis
I am trying to replace the Ellipsis with 1
I know I could do something like:
>>> df.mask(df == Ellipsis, 1)
a b c d
0 1 a 1.2 1
1 2 b 3.4 1
2 3 c 5.6 1
3 4 d 7.8 1
But, for some reason. If I do:
df.replace(..., 1)
df.replace(Ellipsis, 1)
I get the following error:
TypeError: Expecting 'to_replace' to be either a scalar, array-like, dict or None, got invalid type 'ellipsis'
Why doesn't replace
allow me to replace Ellipsis
I know how to fix it, I want to know why this happens.
The strange thing here is that, I actually can replace numbers with Ellipsis, but not vice versa.
>>> df.replace(1, ...)
a b c d
0 Ellipsis a 1.2 Ellipsis
1 2 b 3.4 Ellipsis
2 3 c 5.6 Ellipsis
3 4 d 7.8 Ellipsis
The even stranger thing here mentioned by @jezrael and @phœnix is that:
df.replace({Ellipsis: 1})
df.replace({...: 1})
As well as:
df.replace([Ellipsis], 1)
df.replace([...], 1)
Work as expected!
It gives:
a b c d
0 1 a 1.2 1
1 2 b 3.4 1
2 3 c 5.6 1
3 4 d 7.8 1
In my opinion it is bug, so reported BUG: Can't I replace Ellipsis in DataFrame.replace like scalar #50373 .