I know there is some vim plugins that implements TextMate-like snippets feature. The popular are: snipMate, snippetsEmu, neocomplcache, UltiSnips and xptemplate.
What is the best and why? Consider using this with others plugins like SuperTab, AutoComplPop and pathogen. Have you ever tried those plugins? What do you prefer?
As with many things, you'll find that personal preference wins out at the end of the day. Personally, I prefer snippentsEmu for one reason: it supports dynamic snippets. For example a Python formatting string "foo %s %s"
will (can) dynamically add a placeholder for each %s
snippetsEmu is certainly not perfect - I have come across a few bugs and annoyances - but it works well with superTab. I honestly don't have much experience with the other plug-ins mentioned (although I believe I've tried them all), so I can't really give a fair comparison.