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Mock PeriodicTimer for UnitTests

My class is using PeriodicTimer . I want to mock its time in unit tests. Is it possible? I can set up the class to have a shorter period but that's not the best practice for unit testing.

Nsubstitute example is preferable, but does not really matter.

Maybe it's possible to make a wrapper, however, ValueTask is a bit more tricky. Maybe I need to dig into IValueTaskSource. But maybe someone has a solution?

The code I want to test:

public class Example : BackgroundService
         private readonly PeriodicTimer _timer;
         public Example(IConfiguration configuration)
             _timer = new PeriodicTimer(TimeSpan.Parse(configuration["Interval"]));
         protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken)
             while (await _timer.WaitForNextTickAsync(stoppingToken)) // I want to simulate this without waiting for real time
                 // Do something


  • The wrapper is the way to go, and it should be a dependency for your class.

    Given these types

    public interface IPeriodicTimer : IDisposable
        ValueTask<bool> WaitForNextTickAsync (CancellationToken cancellationToken = default);
    public sealed class StandardPeriodicTimer : IPeriodicTimer
        private PeriodicTimer _actualTimer;
        public StandardPeriodicTimer(TimeSpan timeSpan)
            => _actualTimer = new PeriodicTimer(timeSpan);
        public async ValueTask<bool> WaitForNextTickAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            => await _actualTimer.WaitForNextTickAsync(cancellationToken);
        public void Dispose() => _actualTimer.Dispose();
    public class YourDependentClass
        public YourDependentClass(IPeriodicTimer timer) => _timer = timer;

    You can initialize a YourDependentClass via newing it up, or via dependency injection in production code.

    var dependent = new YourDependentClass(new StandardPeriodicTimer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)));

    To support the tests, you can create a stub that simply returns true every time without any delay between.

    public sealed class TestPeriodicTimer : IPeriodicTimer
        public async ValueTask<bool> WaitForNextTickAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            => await Task.FromResult(true);
        public void Dispose()

    When you use this stub, we're assuming that somehow the timer stops based on some internal condition in the dependent class.

    public void TestTheDependentClass()
        // arrange
        var timer = new TestPeriodicTimer();
        var dependent = new YourDependentClass(timer);
        // act
        // assert
        // method exits because timer loop is done, timer disposed, etc.

    Now, it could get a little trickier if you want the timer to fire a certain number of times, and to run assertions for each tick of the timer. You can either switch from a stub to NSubstitute as you suggest, or carry your stub a step further in its implementation.

    But, it gets trickier still. The assertions should be about the state of the dependent after the dependent gets a return value for WaitForNextTickAsync. That means

    • upon the very first call to WaitForNextTickAsync you do nothing
    • on all subsequent calls but the final one you do assertions after the state changes
    • and finally, you have to do assertions when the timer is disposed

    I'll make this make sense. 😀

    The typical periodic timer is called in a loop. Let's say you call a method on your dependent that has this loop.

    while (await _timer.WaitForNextTickAsync())
        // some work

    Furthermore, let's say in your test code you want to assert on the state of the dependency after each time // some work happens, not before.

    And finally, the test run has to be finite. That means it must run a certain number of times, or the dependent must somehow exit the loop early. Let's code for the former problem.

    public sealed class TestPeriodicTimer : IPeriodicTimer
        private readonly int _numberOfExpectedTicks;
        private int _tickNumber;
        // our list of assertions...
        // we assert for tick 1 on the second call to WaitForNextTickAsync
        // we assert for tick 2 on the third call to WaitForNextTickAsync
        // etc.
        // so let's emulate a list that "starts" at index 2 instead of 0 to
        // avoid some confusing code later
        private readonly List<Action<int, bool>> _assertions = new() { null, null };
        public TestPeriodicTimer(int numberOfTicks) => _numberOfExpectedTicks = numberofTicks.
        // this is how we know what to assert when...
        public void AddAssertionsCallback(Action<int, bool> action)
            => _actions.Add(action);
        public async ValueTask<bool> WaitForNextTickAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            // get result for current tick
            var result = await Task.FromResult(_numberOfExpectedTicks == ++_tickNumber);
            if (_tickNumber != 1)
                // assert for the prior tick
                var assertedTickNumber = _tickNumber - 1;
                _assertions[_tickNumber](_assertedTickNumber, result);
              return result;
        public void Dispose()
           if (_disposed) return;
           _disposed = true;
            // assert for the final tick
            _assertions[_tickNumber + 1](_tickNumber, result);
        private bool _disposed;

    Ok, now we can finally code an expressive test.

    public void TestThreeTicksOfTheTimerInYourDependentClass()
        // arrange
        var timer = new TestPeriodicTimer(3);
        var dependent = new YourDependentClass(timer);
        dependent.AddAssertionsCallback((tickNumber, isFinalTick) =>
            // assertions you expect to be true for tick 1 (actually
            // the second call to WatiForNextTickAsync)
            // and just to make sure...
            Assert.IsTrue(tickNumber, 1);
        dependent.AddAssertionsCallback((tickNumber, isFinalTick) =>
            // assertions you expect to be true for tick 2 (actually
            // the third call to WatiForNextTickAsync)
            // and just to make sure...
            Assert.IsTrue(tickNumber, 2);
        dependent.AddAssertionsCallback((tickNumber, isFinalTick) =>
            // assertions you expect to be true for tick 3 (actually
            // the call to Dispose(), because Dispose() happens after
            // tick 3's work
            // and just to make sure...
            Assert.IsTrue(tickNumber, 3);
        // act
        // assert
        // place any final assertions here as usual

    This test says I want exactly 3 ticks to occur with the final (third) tick to of course be the last.

    Wow. that was a lot of work. But this gives you a way to

    • not sleep/block during a test
    • test assertions for each and every tick if desired

    A further improvement would be to share assertions across ticks, etc.