This is a barebones version of a function I am working on:
function Get-Firefox{
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Global')]
[ArgumentCompletions('Title', 'Url', 'SingleLine', 'MultiLine')]
[ArgumentCompletions('Title', 'Url')]
#These should only be available when parameter "-History" is present
process {
Switch ($PSBoundParameters.Keys){
I am struggling with integrating parameter sets into it. I dont know if this is the behaviour to be expected or not.
The behaviour I am expecting is: if parameter -History
is not present then parameters
SHOULD not be avaible for use.
Yet if I type Get-Firefox
and then press <Tab>
the paramters belonging to ParameterSetName="History"
are suggested by Powershell.
I thought maybe this is just a case of Powershell not being smart enough to hide these parameters from autcompletion.
Yet I can also use the history parameter with any other parameters like, Get-Firefox -ActiveTab -SingleLine
Is my code wrong or have I missunderstood this and my expected behaviour is not possible?
Any help would be really wellcome
You can use Dynamic Parameters
to define at runtime these parameters that should be only available if -History
is used. In this example I'm using a loop to instantiate all the RuntimeDefinedParameter
because they're all of the same type ([switch]
) and their parameter declaration is just belonging to the ParameterSetName = 'History'
however the recommendation would be to define each one of them manually instead of using a loop.
function Get-Firefox {
[CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'Global')]
[ArgumentCompletions('Title', 'Url', 'SingleLine', 'MultiLine')]
[String] $ActiveTab,
[Switch] $ActiveVideo,
[ArgumentCompletions('Title', 'Url')]
[String] $AllTabs,
[String] $History
DynamicParam {
if($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq 'History') {
$paramDictionary = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameterDictionary]::new()
foreach($param in 'Title', 'URL', 'SingleLine', 'MultiLine') {
[Parameter[]] $paramAttribute = [Parameter]@{ ParameterSetName = 'History' }
$runtimeParam = [System.Management.Automation.RuntimeDefinedParameter]::new($param, [switch], $paramAttribute)
$paramDictionary.Add($param, $runtimeParam)
return $paramDictionary