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Optimal data tree structure for folder hierarchy

Imagine I have 4 files identified by a given list of unordered bu non-repeating tags ('A', 'B', 'C', 'D'). For example:

folder_tags_dict = {  
'f1': ['A', 'B'],  
'f2': ['A', 'C', 'D'],  
'f3': ['D'],  
'f4': ['C', 'A']  

I would like to construct a data tree where every file is uniquely identified by the list of tags (just like a folder structure), provided by the configuration above. The solution is not unique. The following two trees are possible solutions to this problem:


A --- B --- f1  
 \--- C --- D --- f2  
       \--- f4  
D --- f3


C --- A --- D --- f2  
 \--- A --- f4  
A --- B --- f1  
D --- f3  

The questions is:

Is there an algorithm that takes the configuration in folder_tags_dict and optimizes the data tree generation hierarchy in order to minimize the number of total edges in that tree?

In the previous case, Tree1 is a better solution (7 edges) than Tree2 (8 edges).

I know how to code in Python, but my knowledge in data structures is limited. This could be used to find the optimal way of making a folder structure where every file is identified by a set of tags. However, when the number of files and tags are in the hundreds, an efficient algorithm is needed and brute force is not an option.


  • Try this:

    from collections import Counter
    from contextlib import suppress
    from itertools import chain
    from typing import Any
    class Node:
        def __init__(self, tag: Any, tags_dict) -> None:
            self.tag = tag
            self.item = None
            self.children = {}
        def get_edges(self):
            edges = sum([ch.get_edges() + 1 for _, ch in self.children.items()])
            return edges + 1 if self.item is not None else edges
        def get_children(self):
            return {f"{key}-{ch.item}": ch.get_children() for key, ch in self.children.items()}
        def build_node(self, tags_dict):
            items = [key for key, value in tags_dict.items() if len(value) == 0]
            if items:
                self.item = items[0]
            mult_tag = {key: value for key, value in tags_dict.items() if len(value) > 0}
            while len(mult_tag.keys()) > 0:
                tag = self.get_best_tag(mult_tag)
                if not tag:
                    tag = [value[0] for key, value in mult_tag.items() if len(value) == 1][0]
                contains_tag_dict = {key: value for key, value in mult_tag.items() if tag in value}
                reduced_tags_dict = self.reduce_dict(contains_tag_dict, tag)
                self.children[tag] = self.subtree(tag, reduced_tags_dict)
                mult_tag = {key: value for key, value in mult_tag.items() if tag not in value}
        def subtree(cls, tag, tags_dict):
            return cls(tag, tags_dict)
        def reduce_dict(tags_dict, tag):
            new_tags_dict = {}
            for key, item in tags_dict.items():
                if len(item) > 0:
                    new_tags_dict[key] = [t for t in item if t != tag]
            return new_tags_dict
        def get_best_tag(tags_dict):
            all_tag_lists = [item for _, item in tags_dict.items()]
            tags_count = Counter(chain(*all_tag_lists))
            with suppress(Exception):
                return tags_count.most_common()[0][0]
    folder_tags_dict = {
        'f1': ['A', 'B'],
        'f2': ['A', 'C', 'D'],
        'f3': ['D'],
        'f4': ['C', 'A']
    tree = Node("root", folder_tags_dict)
    print("TREE: ", tree.get_children())
    print("EDGES(from root): ", tree.get_edges())