I am trying to learn how to work with "System.Reactive" in my C# application. Now I am playing with the merge operations, but perhaps I misunderstood something.
I have the following test class with two events (different event args)
public class FirstArgs
public FirstArgs(double val)
Value = val;
double Value { get; }
public class SecondArgs
public SecondArgs(int val)
Value = val;
int Value { get; }
public class TestClass
private double _firstValue;
private int _secondValue;
public EventHandler<FirstArgs> FirstChanged;
public EventHandler<SecondArgs> SecondChanged;
public double FirstValue
get => _firstValue;
private set
if(_firstValue != value)
_firstValue = value;
FirstChanged?.Invoke(this, new FirstArgs(value));
public int SecondValue
get => _secondValue;
private set
if (_secondValue != value)
_secondValue = value;
SecondChanged?.Invoke(this, new SecondArgs(value));
Now I want to observe both events and when one of the event fires I want to call a dedicated method. Therefore I tried the following:
TestClass testClass = new TestClass();
var first = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<FirstArgs>, FirstArgs>(
h => testClass.FirstChanged += h,
h => testClass.FirstChanged -= h);
var second = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<SecondArgs>, SecondArgs>(
h => testClass.SecondChanged += h,
h => testClass.SecondChanged -= h);
Observable.Merge(first, second).
Subscribe(_ => Debug.WriteLine("Do Something"));
But the merge doesn't work because of the different event arguments. So how can I observe two different events and call a dedicated method if one of them fires (in addition with the sampling)?
As C# doesn't have typescript-style union types, you can't mix types in your observable. I would select both of your observables into a common type and then merge that.
Something like:
var first = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<FirstArgs>, FirstArgs>(
h => testClass.FirstChanged += h,
h => testClass.FirstChanged -= h)
.Select(first => Unit.Default);
var second = Observable.FromEventPattern<EventHandler<SecondArgs>, SecondArgs>(
h => testClass.SecondChanged += h,
h => testClass.SecondChanged -= h);
.Select(second => Unit.Default);