In my make file I have 2 parameters defined as below with default values. PARAM1 ?= 2 PARAM2 ?= 11 I am using these parameters in my target cpp_run.
./dig_vr_App $(PARAM1) $(PARAM2) |& tee run_Cpp.log
However if I pass the parameters from the command line for example
make cpp_run PARAM1=102 PARAM2=0
the make file still picks up the default values, i.e., 2 and 11 (from the log file run_cpp.log). I followed other posts which says use PARAM1=num1 and PARAM2=num2 in the command line as shown above but it doesn't work.
As I said in my comments, you are not telling us something. I created this test:
$ cat Makefile
PARAM1 ?= 2
PARAM2 ?= 11
@echo ./dig_vr_App $(PARAM1) $(PARAM2)
and it works exactly how I'd expect:
$ make --version | head -n2
GNU Make 4.3
Built for x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
$ make cpp_run
./dig_vr_App 2 11
$ make cpp_run PARAM1=102 PARAM2=0
./dig_vr_App 102 0
So there's something about your environment or makefile that you haven't explained to us.