i try to upload an image to my ftp-server using ftplib with the following code -
import ftplib
import os
import sys
ADDR = ""
PW = "MyPw"
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
fn = os.path.join(path, "test.png")
session = ftplib.FTP()
session.login(USERNAME, PW)
file = open(fn,'rb')
session.storbinary('testXYZ.png', file)
When i run this code i get this output:
$ python testFTP.py
drwxr-xr-x 7 rapidtec rapidtec 4096 Sep 20 00:16 .
drwx--x--x 37 rapidtec rapidtec 4096 Dec 20 09:49 ..
drwx------ 2 rapidtec rapidtec 4096 Oct 12 2020 analog
drwx------ 2 rapidtec rapidtec 4096 Oct 12 2020 awstats
drwx------ 2 rapidtec rapidtec 4096 Oct 12 2020 webalizer
As you can see the program stopps working at the line with "session.storbinary". When i run this in vscode even the terminal is not anymore interruptable using Ctrl-C...
Why is the upload to the ftp-server not working and without any error?
It seems that the session-creation, and the session.cwd works fine but the file-transfer is for whatever reason not working
Why is this ftp-upload not working?
I'm not sure if it is your only problem (as I would not expect your code to hang this way), but in any case, your FTP.storbinary
call is incorrect. You are missing the FTP transfer command (typically STOR
). It should be:
session.storbinary('STOR testXYZ.png', file)
Though, I would rather expect the server to return an error in this case, rather than hanging. See Getting "500 Unknown command" when uploading a file to FTP in Python with FTP.storbinary.
Additionally (while not a problem as such), as the right pattern you should use the with
with open(fn, 'rb') as file:
session.storbinary('STOR testXYZ.png', file)