I am using Quarto Book for writing an online Book for my students on scientific writing skills (see politik-wissenschaft.at).
After updating Quarto from 1.1.x to 1.2.280 I cannot use certain options in the _quarto.yml anymore. These options are the following after "book:"
type: book
orcid: "0000-0003-2625-3631"
date-modified: "2022-11-18"
lang: de
logo: "images/pwa-cover.png"
favicon: "images/pwa-cover.png"
link-external-icon: false
link-external-newwindow: false
These are the Error Messages I receive:
ERROR: Project _quarto.yml validation failed.
In file _quarto.yml
(line 8, columns 3--8) property name orcid is invalid
7: author: "Franz Eder"
8: orcid: "0000-0003-2625-3631"
9: date: "2022-11-10"
ℹ The error happened in location book:orcid.
In file _quarto.yml
(line 10, columns 3--16) property name date-modified is invalid
9: date: "2022-11-10"
10: date-modified: "2022-11-18"
11: doi: "10.25651/4.2022.0001"
ℹ The error happened in location book:date-modified.
In file _quarto.yml
(line 13, columns 3--17) property name abstract-title is invalid
12: abstract: "Eder, Franz. 2022. *Politikwissenschaftliches Arbeiten: Eine Einführung*. Innsbruck: Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Universität Innsbruck. [https://doi.org/10.25651/4.2022.0001](https://doi.org/10.25651/4.2022.0001)."
13: abstract-title: "How to cite?"
14: language: de
ℹ The error happened in location book:abstract-title.
ℹ Did you mean abstract-url?
In file _quarto.yml
(line 15, columns 3--7) property name logo is invalid
14: language: de
15: logo: "images/pwa-cover.png"
16: downloads: [pdf, epub]
ℹ The error happened in location book:logo.
In file _quarto.yml
(line 21, columns 3--21) property name link-external-icon is invalid
20: open-graph: true
21: link-external-icon: false
22: link-external-newwindow: false
ℹ The error happened in location book:link-external-icon.
In file _quarto.yml
(line 22, columns 3--26) property name link-external-newwindow is invalid
21: link-external-icon: false
22: link-external-newwindow: false
23: site-url: https://www.politik-wissenschaft.at
ℹ The error happened in location book:link-external-newwindow.
Can someone tell me what to do? What are my alternatives? Of course, I could comment the "logo" option, but than the logo is gone on the Website.
You have to ensure the right places for orcid (Author) and the logo (sidebar), i.e.
type: book
title: Example Title
- name: Franz Eder
orcid: 0000-0003-2625-3631
date: today
logo: cover.png
- index.qmd
- intro.qmd
- summary.qmd
- references.qmd