I have an Azure Storage account and in it are multiple Containers. How can I check all of the Containers to see if a specific named blob is in any of them? Also the blobs have multiple directories.
I know there's the az storage blob exists
command, but that requires a Container name parameter. Will I have to use the List Containers command first?
Yes, you need to get the containers list. I have reproduced in my environment and got expected results as below and I followed Microsoft-Document:
One of the way is Firstly, i have executed below code for getting containers list:
$containers=az storage container list --account-name $storage_account_name --account-key $key
$x=$containers | ConvertFrom-json
$key = Key of Storage Account
Now getting every blob present in all containers in my Storage account:
$Target = @()
foreach($emo in $x.name )
$y=az storage blob list -c $emo --account-name $storage_account_name --account-key $key
$y=$y | ConvertFrom-json
$Target += $y.name
Now checking if given blob exists or not as below:
$s="Check blob name"
if($Target -contains $s){
Write-Host("Blob Exists")
Write-Host("Blob Not Exists")
Or you can directly use az storage blob exists
command as below after getting containers list:
foreach($emo in $x.name )
az storage blob exists --account-key $key --account-name $storage_account_name --container-name mycontainer --name $emo --name "xx"