I am trying to access colors from my colors file (under styles) in my maui application:
<Color x:Key="LiteGreen">#7DD2CD</Color>
<Color x:Key="VeryLiteGreen">#a4dbda</Color>
<Color x:Key="LiteBlue">#c3e1ed</Color>
If I wanna access the colors in xaml, this is how I did it and what worked for me:
BorderColor="{StaticResource LiteGreen}"
Now I tried to access the same color in code:
var color = this.Resources["LiteGreen"] as Color;
Which failes with "LiteGreen is not inside the resource dict"
I tried many different variations but to no avail.
my app.xaml (basic).
<Application xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/dotnet/2021/maui"
<ResourceDictionary Source="Resources/Styles/Colors.xaml" />
<ResourceDictionary Source="Resources/Styles/Styles.xaml" />
You can try the following code:
if (App.Current.Resources.TryGetValue("LiteGreen", out var colorvalue))
var greencolor = (Color)colorvalue;