I have a list of data frames. All of the dataframes have the same column names, but different numbers of rows. One column, called pred
has the following four factors.
I wish to count how many rows are 'apple', 'cherry' etc.
If I single out one dataframe (dataframe1), and perform the counts using:
count(dataframe1, pred)
I get the desired output:
pred n
<fctr> <int>
Apple 25
Orange 11
Pear 11
Cherry 12
This is how I would like the output for mutliple dataframes that are contained within a list. How can this be achieved? I have tried various options using the dyplr package, but tend to get the error.
'Error in UseMethod("count") : no applicable method for 'count' applied to an object of class "list"'
If all data.frame have the same columns you can use this:
data1 <-data.frame(pred = sample(c("Apple","Cherry","Orange","Pear"),100,replace = TRUE))
data2 <-data.frame(pred = sample(c("Apple","Cherry","Orange","Pear"),100,replace = TRUE))
data3 <-data.frame(pred = sample(c("Apple","Cherry","Orange","Pear"),100,replace = TRUE))
list_of_dataframes <- list(data1,data2,data3)
bind_rows(list_of_dataframes,.id = "data") %>%