I want to run a transaction to update data in the Cloud Firestore using cloud_firestore_odm
This code works fine:
name: 'John',
But this one doesn't. I'm doing something wrong, can anyone tell me how to properly do it?
final transaction = await FirebaseFirestore.instance.runTransaction((_) async => _);
name: 'John',
Due to how the ODM works, the syntax for using transactions using the Firestore ODM is slightly different.
Instead of:
await FirebaseFirestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
transaction.update(usersRef.doc('id'), {'age': 42});
You should do:
await FirebaseFirestore.instance.runTransaction((transaction) async {
usersRef.doc('id').transactionUpdate(transaction, age: 42);
Basically, the transaction
vs "reference" are swapped. But as a benefit, the transaction object is fully typed.
The same logic applies for any other transaction method.