I have a number of csv files (6) in a Linux folder that I need to rename and relocate to a new folder on the same server.
<entity_name>_yyyymmdd_hhmmss.csv - bearing in mind the <entity_name> is a string that varies from file to file.
I need to be able to keep the original <entity_name> but replace the yyyymmdd_hhmmss with to day's date in the format yyyymmdd, so what we end up with is <entity_name>_yyyymmdd.csv
if this could be done using Python thanks.
Being new to Python the Internet was awash with ideas, some were close, but none seemed to help me achieve what I am after.
I have successfully manged to loop through the folder I need and read each file name, but am stuck renaming the files.
It's just straight-line coding. For each file, extract the base, add the date and extension, and rename.
import os
import glob
import datetime
today = datetime.date.today().strftime('%Y%m%d')
newpath = "wherever/we/go/"
for name in glob.glob('*.csv'):
base = name.split('_',1)[0]
newname = f'{base}_{today}.csv'
os.rename( name, newpath+newname )