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define optional props based on other props for react component

I have a component that has a loading state and I have isLoading prop that determines that component is loading or not:

    interface CustomImageComponentProps {

export const MyCustomImage = ({isLoading}:CustomImageComponentProps) => {

    return (
        <If condition={isLoading} OnTrue={
        } OnFalse={//other content}/>


Basically, I want to make other props optional if isLoading is true. How can I achive this behavior using typescript?


  • thanks for answers but i was able to do this using only typescript and using infer keyword

       type PropType<T extends { isLoading: boolean }> = T extends {isLoading:true }
              ? { src: string , description:string }
              :T extends {isLoading:false}? {}:never;
         export const MyCustomImage =<T extends boolean>(
              props: { isLoading?: T } & PropType<T extends infer C ? { isLoading: C } 
                : never>
                ) => {
                    return (
                        <If condition={isLoading} OnTrue={
                        } OnFalse={//other content}/>