Inside a function that returns a Pipeline, where a Parameter is defined, e.g. (taken from here)
def get_pipeline(...):
foo = ParameterString(
name="Foo", default_value="foo"
# pipeline's steps definition here
step = ProcessingStep(name=...,
job_arguments=["--foo", foo]
return pipeline = Pipeline(
I know I can access the default value of a parameter by simply calling foo.default_value
, but how can I access its value when the default value is overridden at the runtime, e.g. by using
My assumption is that in that case I don't want to read the default value, since it has been overridden, but the Parameter API is very limited and does not provided anything expect for name
and default_value
As written in the documentation:
Pipeline parameters can only be evaluated at run time. If a pipeline parameter needs to be evaluated at compile time, then it will throw an exception.
If your requirement is to use them for a pipeline step, in particular the ProcessingStep, you will have to use the run method to use the arguments (which is different from job_arguments).
See this official example.
By passing the pipeline_session to the sagemaker_session, calling .run() does not launch the processing job, it returns the arguments needed to run the job as a step in the pipeline.
step_process = ProcessingStep(
# ...
arguments=["--foo", foo]
In addition, there are some limitations: Not all built-in Python operations can be applied to parameters.
An example taken from the link above:
# An example of what not to do
my_string = "s3://{}/training".format(ParameterString(name="MyBucket", default_value=""))
# Another example of what not to do
int_param = str(ParameterInteger(name="MyBucket", default_value=1))
# Instead, if you want to convert the parameter to string type, do
# A workaround is to use Join
my_string = Join(on="", values=[
ParameterString(name="MyBucket", default_value=""),
Personally, I prefer to pass the value directly when you get the pipeline definition before the start:
def get_pipeline(my_param_hardcoded, ...):
# here you can use my_param_hardcoded
my_param = ParameterString(
name="Foo", default_value="foo"
# pipeline's steps definition here
return pipeline = Pipeline(
parameters=[my_param, ...],
return pipeline
pipeline = get_pipeline(my_param_hardcoded, ...)
Obviously this is not a really elegant way, but I do not think it is conceptually wrong because after all it is a parameter that will be used to manipulate the pipeline and cannot be pre-processed beforehand (e.g. in a configuration file).
An example of use is the creation of a name which can be based on the pipeline_name (which is clearly passed in the get_pipeline() and a pipeline parameter). For example, if we wanted to create a custom name for a step, it could be given by the concatenation of the two strings, and this cannot happen at runtime but must be done with this trick.