Is it possible to do somehow bit manipulation on integers in JSONata?
& is concatenation operator, and I didn't find anything about bit manipulation in docs(shifting, bitwise logical operation) I would like to achieve C-type manipulation somehow. e.g.: a=0x10 & 0xEF where a should be 0x00 after evaluation.
As far as I'm aware, there are no "out of the box" bit manipulation functions available in JSONata, but you can extend JSONata by providing your own. For example:
Excerpt from Github Discussion about random values/UUIDs:
$binPad:=function($n, $len){$pad($formatBase($n,2),-$len,'0')};
$bitwise:=function($lb, $rb, $fn){$split($lb,'')~>$map(function($c, $i){$fn($c='1',$substring($rb,$i,1)='1')?$power(2,(7-$i)):0})~>$sum()};
$and:=function($l,$r){$bitwise($binPad($l,8),$binPad($r,8),function($1,$2){$1 and $2})};
$or:=function($l,$r){$bitwise($binPad($l,8),$binPad($r,8),function($1,$2){$1 or $2})};
Full disclosure: I did not write these functions, but I had seen this used in other scenarios and I am merely suggesting this as an option to the OP.