I'm new to CameraX, coming from Camera2
With Camera2, when CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback.onCaptureCompleted is called, we get an instance of TotalCaptureResult which contains many useful information about the image, for instance:
final Integer afState = result.get(TotalCaptureResult.CONTROL_AF_STATE);
Now, I'm starting to use CameraX, with an ImageAnalysis UseCase.
In that case, I receive the image through
void analyze(@NonNull ImageProxy image);
But then, how could I get the autofocus status associated with the image?
Thanks a lot
I searched CameraX source code without finding an answer.
But for a use case such analyze, that seems to me very important to know if the image is in focus.
In case this helps someone else, I found a solution to my question.
In summary, use Camera2Interop.Extender(builder)
For details, at the place where I was using ImageAnalysis.Builder(), I modify it with an implementation of CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback which belongs to Camera2, back into the known world where you can get metadata about each image like this:
val result: CaptureResult
val afState result.get(CaptureResult.CONTROL_AF_STATE)
Here is how I get the CaptureResult:
val builder = ImageAnalysis.Builder()
val analysisUseCase = builder.build()
where captureCallback
implements CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback
Then you just have to use timestamp to map capture metadata with each image:
that you get from your implementation ofImageAnalysis.Analyzer.analyze(ImageProxy imageProxy)
that you get from your implementation ofCameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback.onCaptureCompleted(
session: CameraCaptureSession,
request: CaptureRequest,
result: TotalCaptureResult
But be careful with the fact that onCaptureCompleted
is not necessarily called for each image that is provided to ImageAnalysis.Analyzer.analyze