I want to use ModelicaRes to open my Dymola results in python but the import fails.
from modelicares.simres import SimRes
Gives the following error:
ImportError Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [2], line 1
----> 1 from modelicares.simres import SimRes
File C:\ProgramData\Miniforge3\envs\main\lib\site-packages\modelicares\__init__.py:54
40 __version__ = '0.12.2'
43 # Standard pylint settings for this project:
44 # pylint: disable=I0011, C0302, C0325, R0903, R0904, R0912, R0913, R0914, R0915,
45 # pylint: disable=I0011, W0141, W0142
52 # These will be available directly from modelicares; others must be loaded from
53 # their submodules.
---> 54 from modelicares.simres import SimRes, SimResList
55 from modelicares.linres import LinRes, LinResList
56 from modelicares.util import (add_arrows, add_hlines, add_vlines, ArrowLine,
57 closeall, multiglob, figure, load_csv, save,
58 saveall, setup_subplots)
File C:\ProgramData\Miniforge3\envs\main\lib\site-packages\modelicares\simres.py:50
48 from itertools import cycle
49 from matplotlib import rcParams
---> 50 from matplotlib.cbook import iterable
51 from matplotlib.pyplot import figlegend
52 from pandas import DataFrame
ImportError: cannot import name 'iterable' from 'matplotlib.cbook' (C:\ProgramData\Miniforge3\envs\main\lib\site-packages\matplotlib\cbook\__init__.py)
I tried DyMat and Buildingspy but I would prefer to use ModelicaRes. Because Buildingspy makes use of DyMat which is quiet old and seems unmaintained.
I also had this issue.
I fixed this in my fork of modelicares here: https://github.com/sede-fa/ModelicaRes
I basically replaced any reference to matplotlib.cbook to numpy to get the iterable function as shown here: https://github.com/kdavies4/ModelicaRes/issues/42
You can install this via pip by doing: pip install git+https://github.com/sede-fa/ModelicaRes.git