In AutoCad I try to batch insert images from a folder.
The filename contains the x and y coordinates.
f.ex. "0053-0068.jpg" -> x = 53000, y = 68000
As input I have a list with all the filenames (path included):
f.ex. "C:\Pictures\0053-0068.jpg"
How do I extract the coordinates from the string?
How do I attach the pictures?
(defun c:loadimages ()
; [...] load list (implemented and working correctly)
(foreach img lst ; img = "C:\Pictures\0053-0068.jpg"
(setq x ? ) ; x = 53000.0
(setq y ? ) ; y = 68000.0
(setq z 0.0) ; z = const.
(setq scl 1000.0) ; scl = const.
(setq ang 0.0) ; ang = const.
(command "_IMAGE" "_ATTACH" (strcat "img1=" img) '(x y z) scl ang)
You can find the position of "-" in the file name with vl-string-search
(or vl-string-position
) to split this string and then use atof
(foreach img lst
(setq base (vl-filename-base img)
pos (vl-string-search "-" base)
(setq x (* 1000. (atof (substr base 1 pos))))
(setq y (* 1000. (atof (substr base (+ 2 pos)))))
(setq z 0.0) ; z = const.
(setq scl 1000.0) ; scl = const.
(setq ang 0.0) ; ang = const.
(command "_IMAGE" "_ATTACH" (strcat "img1=" img) (list x y z) scl ang)