I have a nested list
of string / list(str)
li = [["1", ["2", "3"]], "4", [[["5", "6", "7"], "10", "11"], ["12", "13", "14"]]]
I want as output a list with the same nested structure, but all the sublists that satisfy the conditions:
len(sublist) in {2, 3}
(see the function to_true
)must be replaced with a True
The expected output should be
[["1", True], "4", [[True, "10", "11"], True]]
How can I write a function that (possibly recursively) does it?
Another possible way is also modifying inplace the input list after a deepcopy
def to_true(o) -> bool:
# True if o is a 2/3 element list/tuple containing only <str>
if not isinstance(o, (list, tuple)):
return False
if len(o) not in {2, 3}:
return False
return all(isinstance(i, str) for i in o)
>>> func(li)
[["1", True], "4", [[True, "10", "11"], True]]
Try that:
def my_func(my_list):
result = []
for i in my_list:
if isinstance(i, list):
# Recursively transform the sublist
# Check if the result should be replaced with True
if all(isinstance(i, str) for i in result) and len(result) in {2, 3}:
return True
return result
my_list = [["1", ["2", "3"]], "4", [[["5", "6", "7"], "10", "11"], ["12", "13", "14"]]]
[['1', True], '4', [[True, '10', '11'], True]]