I have a bash script which by mistake has been named with .py (e.g. test.py) This script runs without any problem. (./test.py) In case it might be useful, here is the information from ls -l command: -rwxr-xr-x.
My question is why the script (test.py) executes with out being named correctly as (test.sh) Might it cause a problem?
The script content looks like this:
# Pretrain
srun -c 4 --gres=gpu:a6000:1 --mem=32G singularity exec -B /mnt:/mnt/ \
python train.py --dataroot $DATA \
--device "cuda" \
--pre_denoising False \
--experiment_name $EXPERIMENT_NAME \
--epochs 200
I tried running another bash script with the same naming problem *.py again it executes without a problem. I don't understand why it works though.
Unixes don't care about extensions.
If the file is executable + readable (for binaries, it doesn't even need to be readable) and starts with #!
, the executable that follows it is invoked with the name of the script as its argument.
In your case, the OS will execute /bin/bash path_to_your_script YourArguments...
. And bash
doesn't care about extensions either.
Note: for better portability, you might want to do #!/urs/bin/env bash
instead of #!/bin/bash
as not all systems have bash at /bin/bash
(env will look up the actual path using the $PATH environment variable). Or just use the POSIX shell at /bin/sh
As Elliott Frisch suggests, you might also want to read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix) especially if you want mess with custom shebang lines because shebang lines are not scripts themselves and are limited in length (like 128 or 256 bytes) and argument passing: namely they only support argument.