Is it possible to merge two cells together in a gt
table but ONLY one row is affected and no columns are removed.
Here is an img of what I'm describing. In this case, both HIS and GIC have the same kind of insurance:
Here is a simplified version of the table.
df <- tibble(
desc = c("R1", "R2", "R3"),
A = c("This is a long sentence that should go over into B's column", "just one cell in colA", "just one cell in colA"),
B = c("", "just one cell in colB", "just one cell in colB"),
C = c("just one cell in colC", "just one cell in colC", "just one cell in colC")
gt(df) |>
columns = c(A, B))
Kudos to @MarBlo for a clever solution to answering my question about creating a single merged cell using gt
However I went with the simpler solution realized by switching to flextable
shown below.
There are many table libraries in R. For my use, where the output is HTML, I use reactable
for interactivity, gt
for static and now flextable
for static where merged cells are used.
df <- tibble(
desc = c("R1", "R2", "R3"),
A = c("This is a long sentence that should go over into B's column", "just one cell in colA", "just one cell in colA"),
B = c("", "just one cell in colB", "just one cell in colB"),
C = c("just one cell in colC", "just one cell in colC", "just one cell in colC")
ft <- flextable(df) |>
set_header_labels("desc" = "") |>
merge_at(i = 1, j = 2:3)
Maybe this can be a start for you.
I have created 2 separate gt
- one contains the first row of the DF only and the other the other 2 rows.
Key is to
with tab_source_note(source_note = firstTable)
I have tweaked a little bit with col_width
and tab_options
for improving the alignment a bit.
It should by possible to change the order of rows by changing which gt
is stored as html and to which this is added-
df <- tibble(
desc = c("R1", "R2", "R3"),
A = c("This is a long sentence that should go over into B's column", "just one cell in colA", "just one cell in colA"),
B = c("", "just one cell in colB", "just one cell in colB"),
C = c("just one cell in colC", "just one cell in colC", "just one cell in colC")
firstTable <- df |>
filter(desc == "R1") |>
mutate(B = NULL) |>
gt() |>
desc ~ px(45),
A ~ px(200),
everything() ~ px(100)
) |>
tab_options(column_labels.hidden = TRUE,
table.width = px(350),
table_body.border.bottom.color = 'white', = "white",
table_body.hlines.color = 'white') |>
df |>
filter(desc != "R1") |>
gt() |>
desc ~ px(50),
A ~ px(100),
B ~ px(100),
everything() ~ px(100)
) |>
tab_options(column_labels.hidden = F,
table.width = px(350)) |>
tab_source_note(source_note = firstTable)