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How to get only the priority from the entire JSON object in Bash Script?

I am trying to get the highest priority used for the application gateway rules. I can get the rules using the below command:

az network application-gateway rule list -g $resource_group_name --gateway-name $app_gateway_name

How can we retrieve the priority from that data in a bash script?


  • try to use jq tool, it requires installation, but it allows to manipulate JSON structures and even modify it.

    I see that 'az' command also support JMESpath. So you can filter exactly what you need.

    --query JMESPath query string. See for more information and examples.

    I didn't know what is output structure. So as example command can be look like this:

    az network application-gateway rule list \
        -g $resource_group_name \
        --gateway-name $app_gateway_name \
        --query '[].priority | sort(@) | [0]'