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Azure Resource Graph Explorer :: Draw a trendline in the time chart

I was reading this article about how to draw a trendline in the time chart related to the Azure SQL Database consumption.

The query is like this:

| where TimeGenerated >= ago(90d)
| where Resource == 'MyDB'
| where MetricName == 'full_backup_size_bytes' // in ('full_backup_size_bytes','diff_backup_size_bytes','log_backup_size_bytes')
| make-series SizeBackupDiffTB=max(Maximum/1024/1024/1024/1024) on TimeGenerated in range(ago(90d),now(), 1d)
| extend (RSquare,Slope,Variance,RVariance,Interception,TrendLine)=series_fit_line(SizeBackupDiffTB)
| render timechart

But the Azure Portal returns this error:

Please provide below info when asking for support: timestamp = 2022-12-19T09:09:42.5539654Z, correlationId = 9cfa2a61-7cbe-412d-8e21-20b245a0e7da. (Code:BadRequest)

Query is invalid. Please refer to the documentation for the Azure Resource Graph service and fix the error before retrying. (Code:InvalidQuery)
ParserFailure (Code:ParserFailure)
ParserFailure (Code:ParserFailure)
ParserFailure (Code:ParserFailure)
ParserFailure (Code:ParserFailure)
ParserFailure (Code:ParserFailure)
ParserFailure (Code:ParserFailure)

I think the problem might recide in the second line >=.

But what does that means?

EDIT: I think there is more than one problem because it doesn't take make-series and render timechart:

enter image description here

But the error is now reduced:

Please provide below info when asking for support: timestamp = 2022-12-19T09:37:04.2221903Z, correlationId = 12157f78-2c92-4820-94d6-f088acf1a5a0. (Code:BadRequest)

Query is invalid. Please refer to the documentation for the Azure Resource Graph service and fix the error before retrying. (Code:InvalidQuery)
ParserFailure (Code:ParserFailure)
ParserFailure (Code:ParserFailure)
ParserFailure (Code:ParserFailure)
More information on the error can be found here.


  • This is probably the Unicode for greater-than that is not reflected properly. You should try with the following in Log Analytics:

    | where TimeGenerated >= ago(90d)
    | where Resource == 'MyDB'
    | where MetricName == 'full_backup_size_bytes' // in ('full_backup_size_bytes','diff_backup_size_bytes','log_backup_size_bytes')
    | make-series SizeBackupDiffTB=max(Maximum/1024/1024/1024/1024) on TimeGenerated in range(ago(90d),now(), 1d)
    | extend (RSquare,Slope,Variance,RVariance,Interception,TrendLine)=series_fit_line(SizeBackupDiffTB)
    | render timechart