I'm new to development, I ran into a problem, I can't display all subcategories in the "layout.app" For each category, only one subcategory is displayed, and I need to get all subcategories
in file AppServiceProvider.php
public function boot()
view()->composer('layout.app', function ($view){
$view->with('categories', Category::with('subcategories')->get());
in layout.app
<ul class="sub-category">
@foreach($categories as $category)
<a href="{{ url('products') }}">{{ $category->title }}
<i class="lni lni-chevron-right"></i>
@foreach($category->subcategories as $subcategory)
<ul class="inner-sub-category">
{{ $subcategory['title'] }}
I assume you're receiving all the data.
And for sub-array, you need to define <ul>
outside the foreach
<ul class="inner-sub-category"> // Moved outside the foreach loop
@foreach($category->subcategories as $subcategory)
<li>{{ $subcategory['title'] }}</li>