In our ui library we used antd AutoComplete and we pass onSelect function through. OnSelect accepts 2 args. 1 is a value which is string and the other is option which shows type as OptionData | OptionGroupData
My question is where can I import OptionGroupData and OptionData from? Version of antd:
"antd": "4.23.6"
PS: Module '"rc-select/lib/interface"' has no exported member 'OptionGroupData'.ts(2305)
In the older versions Normally These interfaces were located in
And they were:
export interface OptionCoreData {
key?: Key;
disabled?: boolean;
value: Key;
title?: string;
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
label?: React.ReactNode;
/** @deprecated Only works when use `children` as option data */
children?: React.ReactNode;
export interface OptionData extends OptionCoreData {
/** Save for customize data */
[prop: string]: any;
export interface OptionGroupData {
key?: Key;
label?: React.ReactNode;
options: OptionData[];
className?: string;
style?: React.CSSProperties;
/** Save for customize data */
[prop: string]: any;
But in a version like "4.23.6", apparently these interfaces were removed. The second argument type is now:
{id:number; value:string}
For example you can use AutoComplete
const MyAutoComplete: React.FC = () => {
const [value, setValue] = useState('');
const [options, setOptions] =
useState<{ value: string, id: number }[]>([
{ id: 1, value: "firstItem" },
{ id: 2, value: "secondItem" }
const onSelected = (value: any, option: { id: number; value: string }) => {
console.log(value, option);
const onChange = (data: string) => {
return (
onSelect={(value, option) => onSelected(value, option)}