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How to connect to azure sql from local visual studio environment without storing connection string?

net core and azure sql. I am trying to connect to azure sql from my local visual studio. If I am deploying app in app service I can make use of managed identities. Currently I am app in local environment. I do not want to store any password in local ystem like appsettings.json. I am curious to know is there any way where I can connect to azure sql without storing password in local visual studio. Can someone help me if there is any other way? Thank you for help.


  • You can make use of Azure AD based authentication for SQL Databases. Assuming you are signed-in into Visual Studio using your Azure AD credentials, you can assign yourself a database role in the SQL Database using a command like:

    CREATE USER [<Azure_AD_principal_name>] FROM EXTERNAL PROVIDER;
    ALTER ROLE [<databse-role-name e.g. dbmanager>] ADD MEMBER [AzureAD_object] 

    Once you do that, you should be able to connect to your SQL Database using a connection string like the following:

    Server=tcp:<db-server-name>,1433;Authentication=Active Directory Default;Database=<db-name>;TrustServerCertificate=true;

    Please see these links for more details: