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Bar plot of two columns in x-axis in seaborn

My dataset is called df:

year french flemish
2014 200 200
2015 170 210
2016 130 220
2017 120 225
2018 210 250

I want to create a histogram in seaborn with french and flemish on the x-axis and year as the hue.

I tried this, but it didn't work successfully:

sns.histplot(data=df, x="french", hue="year", multiple="dodge", shrink=.8)

The y-axis should show the height of the number of the columns of french and flemish.


    1. You need to use a bar function, not a histogram function. Histogram functions take raw data and count them, but your data are already counted.
    2. You need to melt the french and flemish columns into "long form." Then x will be the language, and y will be the counts.
    sns.barplot(data=df.melt("year", var_name="language", value_name="count"),
    plt.legend(loc=(1.05, 0))

    The melted dataframe for reference:

    >>> df.melt("year", var_name="language", value_name="count")
    #    year  language  count
    # 0  2014    french    200
    # 1  2015    french    170
    # 2  2016    french    130
    # 3  2017    french    120
    # 4  2018    french    210
    # 5  2014   flemish    200
    # 6  2015   flemish    210
    # 7  2016   flemish    220
    # 8  2017   flemish    225
    # 9  2018   flemish    250