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Is it possible to create a tree in F# where each Node also knows its parent?

The usual tree type looks something like

type Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData> =
   | LeafNode of 'LeafData
   | InternalNode of 'INodeData * Tree<'LeafData,'INodeData> seq

Is it possible to use a tree type that could be used in a purely functional way but still gives access to the parent of each node?


  • Yes, and no.

    In a purely functional setting, its best to lookup "Tree Zipper" (there are all sorts of zippers).

    These purely functional data structures allow you to navigate through a data structure (here a tree) without having to embed an explicit reference to 'parent' in the data structure itself.

    The tree doesnt know its parent, but the zipper knows the 'path' to a specific node, and so it knows the parent.

    for an F# overview see

    (in response to your question ive included many more links and references, but the size of the response means I can't give you exactly what u want off the shelf)

    There's a description of zippers in Haskell, but don't be too alarmed its quite accessible

    There's paper somewhere about using differentiation to derive the data structure - though its slightly heavy going. (theres a section of this towards the bottom that explains the mechanics)

    there's this

    but my haskell is too rusty to be able to translate this very easily

    There is a binary tree zipper in FSharpx.Collections.Experimental