I have the following tables as it showed in the pictures.
I want to calculate the average of grades for each student {Avg = Sum(note * coefficient) / Sum(coefficients)}
and then update the range's column in the ETUDIANT table depending on the average and skipping the range for the equal averages using cursors in PL/SQL! like in the pic below
How is it possible to approache this because i'm kinda new to pl/sql in general and thank you!
I wrote a select statement that selects the notes and coeff that's all what i could figure
select NOTE,COEFFICIENT from notes left join module on notes.CODE_M = module.CODE_M order by notes.NOTE desc;
i'm expecting at least a way to approach this problem and thanks
Don't use PL/SQL or cursors, just use SQL and a MERGE
statement and aggregate the notes and coefficients to get the weighted average for each student and then use the analytic RANK
function to calculate the range:
MERGE INTO etudiant
SELECT n.code_e,
SUM(n.note * m.coefficient) / SUM(m.coefficient) AS weighted_note,
RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(n.note * m.coefficient) / SUM(m.coefficient)) AS rnk
FROM notes n
INNER JOIN module m
ON (m.code_m = n.mode_m)
) c
ON (e.code_e = c.code_e)
SET moyenne = c.weighted_note,
rang = c.rnk;
If you want blanks then do that when you display the data:
SELECT NULLIF(rang, LAG(rang) OVER (ORDER BY moyenne DESC, code_e)) AS rang,
FROM etudiant;