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if ... then statement in Vagrantfile showing error "syntax error, unexpected ']', expecting `end'

I am trying to setup hadoop cluster locally on three VMs. I have successfully setup my VMs. I have also installed hadoop on the master node. But, everytime I run vagrant provision, it downloads hadoop all over again which is time taking. I want to check if hadoop is already installed and skip the code that downloads hadoop if it is already installed.

Here is my code. /home/vagrant/hadoop is the location of hadoop.

      # Download and extract Hadoop on master node (i.e node1)      
      if node.vm.hostname == "node1"  
        # Check if Hadoop is already installed so it wont install every time you run vagrant provision
        if [ ! -d "/home/vagrant/hadoop" ]; then
          node.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
            tar -xvzf hadoop-3.3.4.tar.gz
            mv hadoop-3.3.4 hadoop

This is the error I am getting.

unexpected end-of-input, expecting end'`

I changed the fi to end and I got the error below.

syntax error, unexpected end', expecting end-of-input


  • I think you're blurring the line between Ruby (Vagrant) and shell (host):

    if node.vm.hostname == "node1"  
      # Check if Hadoop is already installed so it wont install every time you run vagrant provision
      node.vm.provision "shell", inline: <<-SHELL
        if [ ! -d "/home/vagrant/hadoop" ]; then
          tar -xvzf hadoop-3.3.4.tar.gz
          mv hadoop-3.3.4 hadoop

    While the syntax of Ruby might, at least superficially, resemble the shell, it is quite different.

    Remember, Ruby, running on your host machine, cannot test for directories that may or may not exist inside the VM. That's something you'll have to do with the shell, so it goes inside the shell command.