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How to use Swift Concurrency to load AVQueuePlayer?

I have about 200 audio assets about 5 seconds each that are loaded into an AVQueuePlayer. I do this so it plays all the assets as one full song, but allowing the user to view or jump to a specific verse.

The issue is the main thread gets locked when I load them in like this:

let items = urls

let player = AVQueuePlayer(items: items)

Then I discovered I must asynchronously load them into the player so tried something like this:

let items = urls

let player = AVQueuePlayer()

// Below does NOT compile!!
await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
    for var item in items {
        group.addTask { _ = try await item.asset.load(.duration) }
        for try await result in group {
            player?.insert(item, after: nil)

I'm only supporting iOS 16+ so I'm trying to make use of the new Swift Concurrency APIs available in AVFoundation. I tried following this document but there's a lot of gaps I can't quite get. What is the proper way of loading up that many assets into the queue player without locking up the main thread?


  • Since it seems that you are trying to directly affect items and player I would use actor. To keep everything together and synchronized.

    To bypass captured var 'item' in concurrently-executing code you can use .enumerated()

    actor PlayerLoader{
        let items = [URL(string: "")!]
        let player = AVQueuePlayer()
        func loadItems() async throws{
            try await withThrowingTaskGroup(of: Void.self) { group in
                for (idx, _) in items.enumerated() {
                    group.addTask { [weak self] in
                        _ = try await self?.items[idx].asset.load(.duration)
                    for try await _ in group {
                        player.insert(items[idx], after: nil)

    Then just call loadItems with Task or Task.detached

    let loader = PlayerLoader()
    let task = Task{ //or Task.detached   depending on where you will be calling this line of code
            try await loader.loadItems()
            print("total number of items loaded \(loader.player.items().count)")
            throw error