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AtributeError: can't set attribute for python list property

I'm working with the python-docx library from a forked version, and I'm having an issue with editing the elements list as it is defined as a property.

# docx.document.Document
def elements(self):
    return self._body.elements

I tried to go with the solution mentioned here but the error AtributeError: can't set attribute still popping out.
Next thing I tried is adding the setter to the attribute derived from self._body and editing the code:

# docx.blkcntnr.BlockItemContainer

def elements(self):
    A list containing the elements in this container (paragraph and tables), in document order.
    return [element(item,self.part) for item in self._element.getchildren()]

I've tried to add the setter in both levels but ended up again with the error AtributeError: can't set attribute

The setter I wrote:

def elements(self, value):
    return value 

The implementation I tired:

elements_list = docx__document.elements
elem_list = []
docx__document.elements = elements_list = elem_list

The main problem with that code is docx__document.elements still contains all the elements that are supposed to have been deleted!

Editing the library was like this:

# Inside docx.document.Document
def elements(self):
    return self._body.elements

def elements(self, value=None):
    self._body.elements = value
    return value

The other part:

# Inside docx.blkcntnr.BlockItemContainer

def elements(self):
    A list containing the elements in this container (paragraph and tables), in document order.
    return [element(item,self.part) for item in self._element.getchildren()]

def elements(self, value):
    A list containing the elements in this container (paragraph and tables), in document order.
    return value

Related question [Update]

If I did add a setter for this property :

# docx.document.Document

def elements(self):
    return self._body.elements

Should I add also a setter for the property:

# docx.blkcntnr.BlockItemContainer

def elements(self):
    A list containing the elements in this container (paragraph and tables), in document order.
    return [element(item,self.part) for item in self._element.getchildren()]

Because the value of document.elemetns is actually the value from document._body.elements, am I right?

Any help would appreciate it!


  • The main "Attribute Error" issue, @Jasmijn already covered... the setter actually needs to set something.

    In regards to how to provide a setter for elements:

    First we need to figure out where elements comes from:

    • Document.elements comes from [Document]._body.elements
    • [Document]._body.elements comes from _Body, which inherits BlockItemContainer.elements
    • BlockItemContainer.elements builds its elements list dynamically from [BlockItemContainer]._element.getchildren()
    • [BlockItemContainer]._element is equal to [Document]._element.body
    • [Document]._element comes from extending ElementProxy, and is the first argument passed to Document's constructor

    In a very round-a-bout way, given element passed to Document, the document's elements are derived from: element.body.getchildren(). (A bit tricky tracking down the lookup chain, but that's just what you get when there's a lot of abstraction, or perhaps poor object oriented design)

    Now to track down what exactly getchildren() does:

    • Looks like the element passed to Document is from the included oxml package
    • oxml is itself a wrapper around lxml
    • Looks like the relevant classes are actually in Cython. As far as I can tell, the _Element class is where getchildren() is ultimately defined (etree.pyx)
    • getchildren() calls _collectChildren (apihelpers.pxi), which gives you an idea of how the internal element structure is setup

    Given that the root implementation is Cython is going to complicate things, but I see that the _Element class implements some additional methods which you could make use of, in particular: clear() and extend().

    So a possible implementation (which I've tested and appears to work):

    # inside docx.document.Document
    def elements(self, lst):
        cython_el = self._element.body

    I'll disagree with @Jasmijn here and say you don't need to provide a setter for BlockItemContainer as well, since that's a private class.

    You could also expose other _Element methods directly on the Document object if desired, like clear().