i have a given a triangle grid:
For every point (i,j) with i+j being even:
Now i need to write a iterative function that finds all possible paths from (0,0) to the point (2n,0) given that n ∈ N.
So my idea, written in pseudo code:
def path (i,j):
paths = set()
A = [ 1 for x in range(j)]
for x in range (i - len(A)):
A.append (last)-(-1)
A.append (-1)
for i in range (i!):
candidate = permutate(A)
for i in range(len(A)):
if sum (A [1: i]) < 0
return len(paths)
i need to count the total amount of paths possible to (2n,0)
On a more mathy note, this problem is equivalent to a more famous problem- balancing parenthesis. Ever step up-right
is a (
and ever step down-right
is a )
, with n
parenthesis pairs, how many valid sequences of parenthesis are there?
The answer for n
is the n
th catalan number, which is nck(2n, n) - nck(2n, n+1)
being "n choose k"). In python, this comes out to-
from math import comb
def catalan(n):
return comb(2*n, n) - comb(2*n, n+1)
So the answer to "How many distinct shortest paths from (0, 0) to (2n, 0) through my triangular grid are there?" is catalan(n)